22 julho 2011

Cia Melhoramentos

Recentemente fiz uma aquarela utilizando duas ferramentas: um sketch e uma fotografia do mesmo local.
Tentei manter a atmosfera que me chamou a atenção desse lugar.
Acho que essa combinação é perfeita para trabalhos desse tipo - o sketch feito no local trás ao trabalho final algo a mais, talvez uma compreensão mais ampla do tema ou, que seja, uma identificação pessoal maior com o que você está fazendo. Por isso que eu evito pegar referências quaisquer para fazer estudos. Acho mais interessante gastar energia com temas que lhe dizem mais a respeito.
A fotografia feita no local ajuda a rever alguns detalhes que ficaram sugeridos demais no sketch, como as portas de ferro, nesse caso.

Since I have some visitors coming from another countries, I will try to translate some of the posts - the ones with subjects related to drawing and architectural renderings. I am not promising that I'm doing it everytime, but I will make an effort. Sorry for the English mistakes I will probably make.

I have recently make one watercolor using two tools: a sketch and a photograph from the same place.
I tried to keep the atmosphere that caught me there.
I think this combination is perfect for this studies - the sketch done on the spot brings something else to the final work, perhaps a broader undestanding of the topic, or a greater personal identification with what you are doing.
That's why I avoid taking any references from internet to this kind of studies. I find more interesting to spend energy on themes that tell you more about it.
A photograph taken at the site helps to review some other details that were suggested in the sketch, as the iron gates, in this case. 
Hope that helps.

2 comentários:

  1. Thanks a ton for your english translations. there's so much to learn from your work. delighted to see the explanation of your process.

  2. Wow, great to know Rashmi...I'll keep trying, ok?
    Keep coming.
