11 setembro 2024

The Apple Tree

After tree-hunting, as I mentioned in my last post, I finally decided on the subject for my classes: an apple tree in the school’s orchard. The tree had great character with its expressive branches (sloping, parallel lines, elbows), beautiful foliage, and a bushy ground underneath. Additionally, it was small and offered good views from different angles. My major concern was the sun, but Oliver helped me to move an umbrella around so we could have some shade.

I was glad that I decided on this tree. It was a great subject indeed, although the foliage wasn't so easy grasp and draw - nevertheless, it provided us a lot of information and insights. My students seemed to really enjoy drawing it!

Here's one of my demonstration sheets:

Here's another one, with some notes:

During the days I spent there, I worked continuously in one piece, allowing me to enjoy the subject, while learning from the process and sharing my insights with the students. The final piece was acquired by the school, which have an amazing collection of art by former instructors - this made me very proud.

Next post, I will talk about the classes!

See you soon ;)

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