07 agosto 2024

US Trip to US: A Special Gas Station

 That was not about 'a' gas station, but 'the' gas station. 

I rented a car just to see it. There was no public transportation options when I had the time do visit it, so that was my only way. I even considered renting a bike, but it was almost 50km far which was way too much for me.

So, I get there, parked my car and was immediately transported to the 1950's, when the R. W. Lindholm Service Station was built - 1958 to be exact - after a design by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). As all FLLW buildings, the sense of originality and unity are remarkable. There are always room for new ideas and exploitation. Here, the framing of the rooftops and the long eaves draw your attention.

I took pictures and found a place to sit and sketch. It was sunny, but not too hot (at least by the time I began). So, I sat at the curb, spread my materials and started. 

I wanted to be as accurate as possible, so I build the drawing carefully, especially in terms of proportions and perspective.

The place was closed due to the holidays, but it is still running. I read somewhere that they receive at least half a dozen of people - everyday! I spent 2,5 hours there, and I can confirm that. A few of them came talking to me - a woman said she worked at the FLLW foundation (I think she mentioned Arizona)! As I gave her a postcard, she reciprocated with two awesome stickers! A man got surprised when I said I was from Brazil - he was so kind! He said the most of the city was burned down in a fire in 1918. As he left, I added him in my drawing.

I sketched for around 2 hours. It has hot when I finished, and I was a little anxious because I needed to check out, return the car at the airport and meet Oliver Hoeller.

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